Oregon State University Extension Service

Josephine County Extension Funding and Operations

On June 28, Josephine County Commissioners decided to stop funding for local OSU Extension services including 4-H, agriculture, forestry, family and community health, and other programs provided to all residents for more than a century.

See OSU Extension's statement on the decision.

As a result, OSU Extension will not be able to maintain an office in the county and programming will be limited. See details of our operational plan, effective July 1.

OSU Extension's commitment to Josephine County

We will continue to do all we can to serve county residents with the resources available to us.

In the near term, we are committed to providing planned summer programming, including activities at the Josephine County Fair in August. We are also committed to supporting 4-H members and Master Gardener trainees to complete their program year. We will work with the county, employees, participants, volunteers, 4-H and Master Gardener associations and community members to close out local operations and programs as smoothly as possible.

In the long term, we will continue working with elected officials and community members in Josephine County to restore vital local funding though the service district so we may continue to serve residents with a full complement of OSU Extension programs and services.

OSU Extension operations and programs in Josephine County

See details of our operational plan, effective July 1.

Main points:

  • The Josephine County Extension Office will be open by appointment only July 1-26, and to the public from 8 a.m.-6 p.m. on Tuesdays: July 9, July 16 and July 23.
  • Due to funding source and legislative requirements, OSU Extension will continue to serve Josephine County through our nutrition education, Outdoor School and fire programs.
  • County residents have access to resources available through the OSU Extension website.
  • OSU Extension faculty and staff positions in 4-H youth development, horticulture/Master Gardener, small farms, commercial agriculture, livestock and forages, community health, and forestry will no longer be assigned to serve Josephine County.
  • Extension programs and trainings including 4-H, Master Gardener, Master Food Preserver, Strong People, Master Woodland Manager and Oregon Forest Pest Detector will not be offered in Josephine County.

Josephine County 4-H/Extension Service District budget

The Extension model depends on a county-state-federal funding partnership. Funding through the service district is intended to support local office facilities and utilities, local program and office staff, local materials and supplies, and employee travel to and within Josephine County to deliver programming. With a county contribution, OSU invests state and federal funds, including payroll expenses for faculty assigned to serve the county.

  • View the proposed budget for fiscal year for fiscal year July 1, 2024, to June 30, 2025.
  • View OSU Extension's budget presentation to the service district budget committee, presented on June 11.
  • View supplemental information that addresses questions from the June 11 budget committee meeting.
  • View frequently asked questions about the Josephine County 4-H/Extension Service District and OSU Extension programs and services in Josephine County.

For additional information on how OSU Extension has served Josephine County, we welcome you to view these highlights we have shared with Josephine County Commissioners over the past year.

For more information or to ask questions, contact:

Jamie Davis, OSU Extension Southern Regional Director, 541-815-0963

For media inquiries about OSU Extension, please contact:

Jennifer Alexander, Communications Director, OSU Extension and Engagement, 541-737-0808

Josephine County 4-H/Extension Service District documents

The following resources provide background information about the Josephine County 4-H/Extension Service District.

  • Ballot measure 17-58: Formed County 4-H/Extension Service District and established tax base, beginning FY 1997-98)
  • Order 96-73: Declaring results of election on forming the service district, describes purpose of district
  • Resolution 2023-026: FY24 county budget adoption and appropriation

Source URL: https://extension.oregonstate.edu/josephine/announcements/updates-josephine-county-4-h/extension-service-district