Oregon State University Extension Service

Small Farms and Ranches

There are a number of small farms and ranches in Lincoln County. Local farmers and ranchers produce a variety of agricultural products for their community, from eggs, beef, and wool to fresh vegetables and flowers. Oregon State University Extension Service supports local agriculture in Lincoln County in a number of ways including:

  • Workshops, classes, and tours for farmers to learn about topics relevant to their work
  • Small scale on-farm trials to test out locally appropriate management strategies
  • Farm visits and phone, email, and zoom consultations to answer individual questions
  • Newsletter and local farmer email group to help farmers stay connected and share timely resources
  • and more!

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Office 541-283-5119

Meet our expert

Extension Horticulture Assistant Professor of Practice

Contact me with agriculture, agribusiness, and Master Gardener questions from Lincoln County.

Source URL: https://extension.oregonstate.edu/lincoln/small-farms-ranches