Oregon State University Extension Service

How long after maturing can potatoes be harvested?

I recently bought a house in Ashland with a large, much-neglected garden. There are two raised beds with potatoes under several inches of straw. I don’t know how long they’ve been there. They look mature. Would it be safe to dig them up and attempt eating them? I’ve never grown potatoes before.

Given this time of year, the tops have probably already died back, so you can dig out the whole plant to harvest the tubers. If the tubers are firm and brown, you can use them. If they are green or rotten, they should be discarded.

The University of Minnesota has a factsheet that claims "You can dig new potatoes about seven to eight weeks after planting. Harvest mature tubers after plants have dried." Learn more by reading their factsheet:

This article describes how to use straw:

Source URL: https://extension.oregonstate.edu/ask-extension/featured/how-long-after-maturing-can-potatoes-be-harvested