Oregon State University Extension Service

Fire Season 2021 - A Learning Opportunity (Recorded) (in English)

In this webinar, we reviewed the 2021 Fire Season, discussed some of the lessons learned, and heared stories of where preventative work made a difference.

Originally aired on November 10, 2021

Presenters: The Oregon State University Extension's Forestry & Natural Resources Fire Program Team; Ron Graham (Oregon Department of Forestry); Michelle Henry (United States Forest Service)


Call to Action

Just starting out? Talk to your community members about watching the Fire Aware Fire Prepared webinar series and discuss what wildfire risk reduction could look like in your area.

If you are further along and have already taken some action in your community to be Fire Prepared – Contact your local land management organizations or agencies to learn about what fire mitigation projects are planned or are occurring.

Source URL: https://extension.oregonstate.edu/video/fire-season-2021-learning-opportunity-recorded