Oregon State University Extension Service

Best Practices of Managing Logging Slash Piles and Burning (in English)

Logging generates woody debris, commonly known as “slash,” in the form of tree tops, limbs, and broken pieces. This class will give an overview of the best practices and methods for piling and burning woody material that’s not left for nutrients, firewood, or wildlife purposes. Managing large quantities of slash can remove the physical barriers to tree planting and reduce fire hazards on the landscape. The instructors will focus on the Douglas-fir and hemlock forests that grow in northwest Oregon, where dry summers are followed by fall rainstorms and east-wind events, although the practices included may apply across the state. Mike Cafferata and Rodney Jacobs will share their experiences of working together through the NW Forest Protection Association to keep forests thriving and healthy, including the use of fire as a tool.

Originally aired on May 4, 2021


  • Mike Cafferata, Oregon Department of Forestry
  • Rodney Jacobs, Stimson Lumber


Source URL: https://extension.oregonstate.edu/video/best-practices-managing-logging-slash-piles-burning