Oregon State University Extension Service

From the home to the landscape (Recorded) (in English)

As a member of the community, you have the power to alter the outcome of wildfire. Your actions around your home and the surrounding landscapes can reduce the chance your home will burn. This webinar reviews practical steps you and your neighbors can do on your own properties before fire season.

Originally aired on March 31, 2021

Presenters: Kara Baylog, OSU, Forestry Program Coordinator and John Rizza, OSU, NE Oregon Regional Fire Specialist


Firewise checklist

Firewise checklist in Spanish

Fire Resistant Plants for Home Landscaping: https://catalog.extension.oregonstate.edu/pnw590

OSU Extension Fire Program Before Wildfire Strikes Resources Page

OSU Extension Fire Webinar from 2020 with guests

OSU Extension Fire Resistant Plants for Home Landscaping

Firewise USA Fact Sheets

Firewise – Como preparar su casa para incendios forestales

Firewise – How to prepare your home for wildfire

Living with Fire

Six Great Wildfire Adaptation Resources in SpanishSustainable defensible space

Wildfire Home Retrofit Guide – University of Nevada Reno

Wildfire Risk to Communities

Call to Action:

Just starting out? Do one action listed during the webinar around your home from the checklist.

If you are further along and have already taken some action to be Fire Prepared – review the checklists and ensure you are keeping up with your maintenance plan to enhance your property.

Source URL: https://extension.oregonstate.edu/video/home-landscape-recorded