Oregon State University Extension Service

Circuitry: Decorative LED (in English)


For our second activity we'll be making

a decorative led

and for this you will need your led

coin battery tape

paper this could be cardstock foam

um fell anything similar and you that

you can maybe even

color or paint you'll need some scissors

and a pencil or pen

your first step will be to decide what

you want to create and where you want

your led to be

so for example let's say you want to

create a snowman

then you would draw the outline of

snowman and you would measure out where

you would want the led to be so you can

have it on

the snowman's nose or if you have

multiple leds you might be able to make

buttons that light up let's say you want

to make a lighthouse

then just make sure that there's enough

room for the led

for your lighthouse there there's really

like a endless

amount of possibilities to make and


so take a little bit of time to figure

out what you want and draw it out on


paper or cardstock whatever you're using

so for my led i decided to make two

flower shapes and place them on top of

each other and the next step you'll want

to do

is you want to take your pen or pencil

and poke two little holes

where your led will be and the best way

to do that is just

line up your led to where you want it to


make those markings and then poke the


so as you can see i've done that here

the next thing you'll want to do is


the two wires that come out of the led


and you'll want to find which one is the

longest one

the longest one will tell you

that it's the positive side and

the positive side is actually called the

anode and then the

negative side is called the cathode but

what you'll want to do is locate

the longer side which is the positive

sign and then take your coin

battery and line up the positive with

the positive

and the negative with the negative and

as you can see here

they light up and your final step is to

add some tape

to the back to hold on both sides

and you'll do that by just grabbing a

little bit of tape

you don't really need a whole lot

and one thing to know is if for some

reason your

led doesn't work this way just try to

flip the battery and see if that works

it could be that

um like you can see my wires are a

little bit bent here

it could be that one side just looks

longer than the other but that's one

trick to do is to just flip it so you'll

want to tape

both sides

and it will stay lit up and then

if you want to decide that you


save this for later or you just want to

turn it off what you can do

is unpeel one side and then move the

wire away

or you can take a bigger piece of tape

and make sure that you cover up

the entire spot of the coin battery that


um it doesn't make contact

Check out this video to learn how to power a LED light!

Source URL: https://extension.oregonstate.edu/video/circuitry-decorative-led