Oregon State University Extension Service

Hazard tree awareness and erosion in post-fire landscapes (Recorded) (in English)

In this webinar, we described what to look for in identifying tree hazards and factors influencing soil stability and erosion in post-fire forested landscapes, and practical steps to mitigate impacts.

Originally aired on October 8, 2020

Presenters: Amanda Rau, Forestry & Natural Resources Extension regional fire specialist and John Punches, Forestry & Natural Resources Extension agent


Utilize this "After the Fire Checklist" to chart a course forward and modify to suit your needs. Fill out the checklist directly from your computer or phone, After the fire checklist - fillable form

Natural Resources Conservation Service's After the Fire: Resources for Recovery webpage

After the Burn: Assessing and Managing Your Forestland After a Wildfire

Source URL: https://extension.oregonstate.edu/video/hazard-tree-awareness-erosion-post-fire-landscapes-recorded