Oregon State University Extension Service

Income Opportunities from Logs (in English)


hi my name is Steve Bowers and I work
with the Oregon State University
Extension Service women owners often
request assistance when marketing their
logs and I always tell them in order to
maximize the revenue from their timber
sale they need to match their logs to
the log buyer and the products that mail
produces all logs are not created equal
Mills produce a variety of products from
commodity items like two-by-fours and
plywood to utility poles cedar decking
and fencing and high quality hardwoods
for furniture and cabinets in this
presentation on income opportunities
from logs we discuss domestic markets
for large and small conifer logs export
markets utility and small diameter poles
cedar hemlock pine hardwoods shipping
facilities and firewood to identify
potential log buyers there are three
fundamental characteristics you need to
consider when evaluating your timber
stand species quality and size for
example markets are different for large
diameter Douglas fir logs versus those
for large diameter hemlock or small
diameter lodgepole pine and bigger is
not necessarily better quality in terms
of visible defect number and sizes of
limbs and straightness is important
regardless of species
each meal has a specific set of lengths
and diameters that they require it is up
to the woodland owner to measure the
entire length of each tree stem to
determine which lengths and diameters
will maximize the revenue from his sale
selling your vlogs is no different than
any other activity that involves
obtaining bids it pays to shop around
this presentation will also show you how
to locate the contact information for
buyers that may be interested in your
logs and we also emphasize call before you
cut there's a strong possibility of limiting
your market options by cutting the wrong
lengths and/or diameters and
all purchase orders require fresh green
cut logs we hope this presentation will help you
learn what you need to know to
successfully match your logs with the
right log buyer so you can maximize the
income opportunity from your bow

How can I maximize the value from my logs? What are the market opportunities? These are common questions asked by small woodland owners. In this video we introduce you to the primary things for you to consider.

For more information see: Harvesting and Selling Timber: A Field Guide for Woodland Owners.

Source URL: https://extension.oregonstate.edu/video/income-opportunities-logs