Oregon State University Extension Service

Buzzing and Beautiful: Designing Pollinator Gardens with OSU Extension (in English)

Enhancing Urban and Suburban Landscapes to Protect Pollinators (EM 9289)

Trees and Shrubs for Fall and Winter Bloom (EM 9277)

Joining us will be:

  • Andony Melathopoulos, pollinator health Extension;
  • Neil Bell, Extension community horticulturalist, Marion County, and professor;
  • Signe Danler, Instructor, OSU Master Gardeners;
  • Amy Jo Detweiler, community/commercial horticulturalist, central Oregon, professor;
  • Nicole Sanchez, home and small-scale horticulturalist and assistant professor;
  • Heather Stoven, community and Small Farms horticulturalist, assistant professor.

Links mentioned during the webinar:

Source URL: https://extension.oregonstate.edu/video/buzzing-beautiful-designing-pollinator-gardens-osu-extension