Oregon State University Extension Service

Volunteer Forms & Materials

  • Background History Checks for Volunteers: Beginning in 2009, OSU adopted the statute instituted mandatory criminal records checks on all persons who are in a critical or security-sensitive position. These positions includes those jobs listed in (a) -(g).
  • Clarification of Master Gardener Volunteer and OSU Procedures: Key questions from volunteers, and answers from OSU leaders.
  • Master Gardener Certification and Recertification: Definitions: A common understanding of key definitions related to the Oregon State University (OSU) Extension Master Gardener Program will better enable Program faculty, staff and volunteers to understand, communicate, implement and adhere to associated policies. We offer these definitions for consideration and discussion.
  • Master Gardener Volunteers and School Garden Programs: Procedures for working in School Garden Programs while volunteering for the Master Gardener Program/
  • OSU Extension – Master Gardener Log Sheet: The Master Gardener Log Sheet for Josephine County.
  • Plant Clinic Procedures: In most counties, Master Gardeners staff Plant Clinic phone lines and desks at county Extension offices. Many counties also offer Plant Clinics in their communities, at farmers’ markets, fairs and commercial businesses. Plant Clinics are a valuable service to the community, where Oregonians can ask questions about their home or community garden.
  • Use of the OSU Extension Master Gardener™ Title and Logos: Using the OSU and OSU Master Gardener Program logo is an important concept to introduce early in the program. An understanding that these terms are licensed by Oregon State University provides valuable orientation that the program is truly a part of OSU Extension, and volunteer participation and earning the title of “OSU Extension Master Gardener” is truly part of the overall University strategy for public outreach.
  • Volunteer Liability and Risk Management: The safety of the Master Gardener volunteers and Extension clientele is an important issue. The Master Gardener Position Description and the Pest Control Recommendation Agreement provide guidelines regarding pest management recommendations.

Source URL: https://extension.oregonstate.edu/mg/josephine/volunteer-forms-materials