Oregon State University Extension Service

Do my laurels have shothole?

We have some large laurels with holes and discoloration on the leaves and wondering what is causing it and how to treat it. We don't see anything on the bottom side of leaves. We'd appreciate your opinion and advice.

Thank you for the image. It reveals a very common problem with laurel hedges -- shothole.

Shothole has various causal agents, bacteria, fungus, and environmental stress. Often, the problem is limited to the lower branches or the shady side of the hedge/shrub. The reason is the leaves in those positions dry slowly.

The underlying cause of shothole is difficult to diagnose unless seen early on, before the spots turn brown, dry, and fall out. Many times, the cause is attributed to environmental stress. Thus, sprays are seldom applied.

A laurel does well in sun or shade, with good air circulation. It's best in moist, well-drained soil. An organic mulch at the base enhances root conditions.

Source URL: https://extension.oregonstate.edu/ask-extension/featured/do-my-laurels-have-shothole