Oregon State University Extension Service

Frequently Asked Questions

Mission statement: The Oregon Bee Atlas trains and equips citizen scientists to: a) create and maintain a comprehensive and publicly accessible inventory of the state’s native bees and their plant-host preferences, b) to educate Oregonians on the state’s bee biodiversity and c) to conduct an on-going survey of native bee populations in order to assess their health.

Q: Why do we need an Oregon Bee Atlas?

Q: Specimens? Isn’t putting bees on a pin just another way of harming our bees? Why doesn’t the Atlas use non-destructive approaches?

Q: I don’t have any entomology experience. I didn’t take biology in college/university. Should I even bother enrolling?

Is there support?

Q: Is there a fee?

Q: I've been accepted into the program. What happens next?

Q: Where is the summer field school held?

Source URL: https://extension.oregonstate.edu/master-melittologist/frequently-asked-questions