Oregon State University Extension Service

Rain Garden Downloads

  • Fact Sheet: Includes general information on infiltration vs filtration type facilities, siting, design (storm size, routing, vegetation, mulch, etc.), construction, maintenance, cost considerations, & pollutant removal, & avoiding a UIC (Underground Injection Control).
  • Designer's Checklist: This is a designer and plans reviewer checklist from Seattle Public Utilities. (Their term for LID is "Natural Drainage Systems (NDS)" and their term for rain gardens is "Bioretention". This checklist should only be used by experienced designers. Not all guidance may be required to be met for the jurisdiction you're working in.
  • Rain Garden Sizing Calculator: Download an Excel sheet to calculate the size (surface area and depth) of a rain garden or stormwater planter for a Type 1A or 2 rainfall distribution (Santa Barbara Unit Hydrograph method).
  • Finding Native Plants
  • Maintenance
  • Download additional details including flow chart & abbreviations

Source URL: https://extension.oregonstate.edu/stormwater-solutions-green-infrastructure/rain-garden-downloads