Oregon State University Extension Service

What are apple tree burls?

I have a Gala apple tree, around 5 years old. It is a good producer and appears to be in good health, but as you know, requires lots of attention... spraying, etc. I had some apple scab problems with it for the last two years, which I gather is pretty common with Galas, but now seem to have that under control. Over the summer I noticed some kind of lesion or chancre in several places (photo attached). I fear they may have been there longer and I just missed them. Can you identify what this is and tell me what to do about it?

On newer apple trees, this is a condition called aerial burls or just burls. The new apple stock seems to grow these burls. I have seen the burls on many apple trees in Oregon.

The burl is where the tree wants to grow roots but the site is above the ground and turns into a burl.

Don't worry. The growth is natural and does not harm the trees.

Source URL: https://extension.oregonstate.edu/ask-extension/featured/what-are-apple-tree-burls