Oregon State University Extension Service

Bigleaf maple

A broadleaf tree with moderate growth rates, reaches 100’ tall and 2’ diameter on good sites. Long lived. Found along moister lowland Jackson & Josephine County streams and on other fairly moist, cool sites. Excellent for shade, wildlife, and a soil builder. Unlike many other stream-side species in this guide, bigleaf maple is shade tolerant and can be planted underneath the canopy of other trees, though growth will be slow.


Planted as a bare root or container seedling. Seldom planted as a cutting.

Natural Regeneration

Produces abundant seed crops. Sprouts vigorously from the stump after cutting.

  • Stream-side Planting Zone: 2-3
  • Tolerance to flooding: MEDIUM
  • Tolerance to shade: HIGH

Source URL: https://extension.oregonstate.edu/gardening/flowers-shrubs-trees/bigleaf-maple